Based on "A mile in her shoes" from Ugly Betty (as if to proove it really is the little things that make a difference) this blog is a collection of stories from various people on various subjects to open the worlds eyes, possibly beat stereotypes, and maybe even change something around here..

Saturday 18 June 2011

...Well that was a waste of poaching

"African and Asian elephants are under threat from poachers who kill them for their ivory tusks.

 An international five-year moratorium on ivory trading was agreed in 1989, the year when President Moi publicly burned a large pile of ivory in Nairobi National Park under the direction of Kenya Wildlife Service's Dr Richard Leakey."

So, the elephants had been poached for the ivory, which is obviously poached because it has a use (otherwise why are these stupid men taking on the largest mammals on the planet?) so, instead of saving the ivory you have ready for the restrictions on ivory trade, to have a reserve for the demand, and therefore stop extra poaching, you burn the ivory that elephants had already been killed for? Clever...

I took the picture myself (:

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