Based on "A mile in her shoes" from Ugly Betty (as if to proove it really is the little things that make a difference) this blog is a collection of stories from various people on various subjects to open the worlds eyes, possibly beat stereotypes, and maybe even change something around here..

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Only with love can we win a war

Yesterday, I had a very interesting conversation with a very bright woman. We were discussing how and why no one knew why our boys were in Afganistan. After determining it was because the country (ours) had originally caused all the conflict on that side of the world through the work of Lawrance of Arabia, that, the goverment didn't really want people to know. Of coarse, drugs are involved too.

Then, she said, that the Afgan's will always win, as did the Vietnamesse, and the Russians and the UK  (on their fronts in world war 2) because unlike the invaders, who are simply paid soldiers, the army on their own soil are fighting so no one kills their families, rapes their daughters, steals their home. For them, the fight is personal, where as, for us, and our men, it's just a job. The only persons the invader has to worry about is the man beside him, where as for the defender, he will either loose everything, kill the invaders, or die trying. What she said was true, only with love can we win a war.

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