It has been an on going tradition in China, that, to keep women's feet small, and therefore avoiding big feet, which is considered unattractive, little girls in China had their feet bandaged until they were seven to brake the bones and prevent growth. To my horror I find that it is still happening, and because this passes as tradition, nothing (or very little is done to stop it)
Most countries have charities, and organisations to prevent child abuse, but, it seems being labelled as tradition give such a horrid action a "get out of jail free card". But, realising this has raised another thought to mind, crushing the feet of young girls isn't the only "tradition" to seem immoral, but accepted anyway. Human sacrifice, the killing of animals for religious reasons, placing Guy Fawkes on a bonfire, the list is endless. Should we draw a line? Or should it be accepted, because it's tradition? Where does the line draw? Where does it stop? Should we stop?
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