Based on "A mile in her shoes" from Ugly Betty (as if to proove it really is the little things that make a difference) this blog is a collection of stories from various people on various subjects to open the worlds eyes, possibly beat stereotypes, and maybe even change something around here..

Monday 13 June 2011

Do we really care?

The number of orphans and street children continue to rise in Africa. orphans
In addition to war, HIV and famine, malaria continues to kill children in record numbers especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. Meanwhile a mosquito net costs less than $1. The problem is worse in the villages and small towns where there are no hospitals nor clinics to help the sick. Malaria death toll rises extremely high especially in the rainy season which is the breeding period for mosquitoes.
Cozay: Poverty in Africa facts & Stats: diseases in Africa: Malaria kills in Africa

Sometimes, in our western lives, with our western toys, and western wealth we forget about all this. I noticed on the BBC news today, as they interviewed people on the topic of the UK's donations towards jabs for children in poor countries, that of all the people shown, non of them understood why the money was given, when the UK's economy is in such a poor state. It's because we may be cutting down on holidays, and cars, and days out, but these people have nothing else to cut back on.

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