Based on "A mile in her shoes" from Ugly Betty (as if to proove it really is the little things that make a difference) this blog is a collection of stories from various people on various subjects to open the worlds eyes, possibly beat stereotypes, and maybe even change something around here..

Thursday 16 June 2011

Judging a book by it's cross dressing?

Let's be honest, drag and cross dressing have always been something questionable. They seem to either be glued to the stereotype of something odd, and slightly bizzare, or glitzy and glamourous. Well, why can't it be somewhere in the middle? I'm sure everyone out there has heard of the Greek and Roman hero Heracles (Hercules). You know the one, fighting lions, and Hydra's and crazy Goddess's. Well, at one period in his life, whilst under the ownership (as a slave) of Omphale, the queen of Lydia, Heracles was made to cross dress. At first, it was to humiliate him, and the Queen would wear his Lion's skin. However, she soon noticed it was just as much fun for him as for her, and it became an amusment between the two, as well as something sexually stimulating. In fact, Pan was caught Heracles in one of Omphale's nightie, of his own acord and mistook him for the queen. Of coarse, the invent probably makes him limp when he thinks about it now...
So, perhaps all drag queens/cross dressers aren't as camp and glam as we may think. After all, one of the most famous heroes of film and mythology had his cross-dressed moments himself...

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